The Lord does not look at what others look at’ – Samuel 1:16

As an avid Marvel fan, it was with great excitement when the news of a reboot of the hit superhero movie Blade was announced to be part of Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The role was originally played by Wesley Snipes over 20 years ago who starred in the original trilogy, and will now be played by Oscar winning actor Mahershala Ali. Many fans were disappointed to hear that Wesley Snipes would have nothing to do with the new movie, especially as he has been actively campaigning to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe for many years. While Snipes has congratulated Ali, there is disappointment that the much loved actor will not reprise his role. As we have begun a new month, do you feel like you have been passed over?

Left: Oscar winning actor Mahershala Ali and Wesley Snipes as original character Blade.

A man in the bible who was passed over many times was David. David was the youngest son of Jesse’s sons, a shepherd who tended to the sheep in his father’s field. There came a time when a new king was needed, so Samuel was sent to anoint a new King from the household of Jesse (1 Samuel 16). Jesse had seven sons and when Samuel saw the first born Eliab, he thought to himself, “Surely the Lord’s anointed stands here before the Lord”. But God said to Samuel “Do not consider his appearance or his or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at”. Samuel went through the other brothers and each time God told him that he had rejected them.

Then he asked Jesse “Are these all the sons you have?” (1 Samuel 16:11). Jesse then pointed to his youngest son David who was in the field. David was fetched and Samuel anointed him the chosen one. You see David was considered young and didn’t fit the profile of what a king should look like. For this reason he wasn’t even part of the equation when it came down to Jesse’s sons. He wasn’t seen as significant and was passed over. But God does not look at what other look at. You might have been passed over for that promotion, passed over for that application or that business proposal, that mortgage loan etc. But God is saying that he has seen you and that he is about to anoint you.

So this week, don’t look at your current position for God is about to elevate you. Though you might have been passed over last month, August is your time to shine.             

Categories: wordup

Audrey Hagan

Chief Editor at PIWC


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