
Community centred

Due to our vision of being a community centred church, we as a church have always strived to be visible within the London community. Some of the initiatives have been food & clothes donations to the needy in our community as well as street cleanups and hospital visitations.

Why the community action?

Community work shows God’s love transforming people’s lives in amazing ways through the practical support given by us. Regardless of how ‘humble’ a project is, good things can come out of it, perhaps in more ways than we can imagine when we first begin.

Being relevant in our community is vital for us.

For example, the second great commandment asks that we love our neighbours as ourselves. In answer to the question ‘Who is my neighbour?’, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan, (Luke 10: 29-37), to show that everyone is our neighbour, and in the parable of the ‘Sheep and Goats’ he says: ‘whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me’.

PIWC Church continues to work towards forming more cohesive relationships with community organisations. To get in touch with us, email us at